Nov 5, 2013

I'll get by with a little help from some (fashionable) flats

I have never been much of a flats person.  Heels just always felt more comfortable and I like wearing them more.  I think it's because I like the height increase heels give me.  Friday I had foot surgery (which is why I have been MIA lately), and for the next 6 months (at least) I am bound to flats.  Tennis shoes for the first few weeks (which is going to make outfit choices almost impossible) and after that flats until the doctor says I can try something with a heel.  For the past month leading up to this procedure, I have been on the lookout for cute flats that I can wear during the day and could also transition into evening.  Something that didn't scream grandma!  Below are a few of my favorites at the moment.  It turns out, flats can be fashion able too!

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