Jan 2, 2015


TGIF! The first Friday of the New Year!  I don't know about you guys, but there is just something exciting and enlightening about a new year.  I LOVE IT!  I don't know if it's the allure of not knowing what this year will bring, or if it's the idea of getting another year to get things right or change some of the things you weren't thrilled with the year before.  2014 was a roller coaster year for me.  It was a year I learned a lot about myself and gained a better perspective on a lot of things in my life.  I am excited to take those lessons and make 2015 a year that's one of my best yet.  I have so many things I want to accomplish, see, do and be a part of.  When I  moved to NYC over three years ago, I had the mentality of 'saying yes' to everything (within reason and not illegal of course.)  This year I am taking on that mantra again.  I learned so much about myself, the people I met and this amazing city when I decided to take a chance and go to things or get out and meet people.  You never know who you will meet or what might happen if you give it a try.

So, I'm resolving to Say Yes to opportunities, and making the most out of 2015!  Happy New Year! Cheers!

image via pinterest

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